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- *****************************************************************************
- * IOSetup.asm - ©1990 by The Puzzle Factory
- * Initializes the register contents for the I/O Expansion board
- * to specific values, so that you can see if the hardware is working.
- * Usage: 1> IOSetup
- * History: 01/22/88 V0.50 Created by Jeff Lavin
- * 11/25/90 V0.51 Converted to new syntax
- *
- * [To all: Please don't forget to bump the revision numbers if you do *any*
- * modifications at all. -Jeff]
- *
- *****************************************************************************
- ;Set Tabs | | | |
- exeobj
- objfile 'ram:IOSetup'
- macfile 'Includes:IOexp.i' ;The One & Only include file
- IOSetup lea (VIA_Base+VIA0),a0
- move.b #$FF,(DDRB,a0) ;All outputs
- move.b #$FF,(DDRA,a0) ;All outputs
- move.b #$12,(ORB,a0) ;Recognizable pattern
- move.b #$34,(ORA,a0) ;Recognizable pattern
- lea (VIA_Base+VIA1),a0
- move.b #$FF,(DDRB,a0) ;All outputs
- move.b #$FF,(DDRA,a0) ;All outputs
- move.b #$56,(ORB,a0) ;Recognizable pattern
- move.b #$78,(ORA,a0) ;Recognizable pattern
- lea (ACIA_Base+ACIA0),a0
- bsr.b SetupACIA
- lea (UNIT2,a0),a0
- bsr.b SetupACIA
- lea (ACIA_Base+ACIA1),a0
- bsr.b SetupACIA
- lea (UNIT2,a0),a0
- SetupACIA move.b (ISR,a5),d0 ;Clear garbage
- move.b (CSR,a5),d0
- move.b (RDR,a5),d0 ;Clear RDRF bit
- move.b #Baud_2400,(CTR,a0) ;2400 baud, 1 stop bit, no echo
- move.b #FRF_FRMT!WORDLEN_8!PAR_MARK,(FMR,a0) ;8 bits, mark par, no par, DTR hi
- move.b #$0D,(TDR,a0) ;Stick a CR in there
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- end